Practical Info

University of Wrocław

Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics
Uniwersytecka 7–10
50–145 Wrocław

Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics
Więzienna 8/12
50–118 Wrocław

On-site Registration
The On-site Registration Desk will be located in BUILDING D of the University of Wrocław – Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, on the Ground Floor (Uniwersytecka 7–10)
Please come here to pick up your conference materials. The onsite registration desk will be open starting July, 4 at 8:30 CEST. Opening times: July, 4 (08:30 – 18:00 CEST) / July, 5 (08:30 – 18:00 CEST) / July, 6 (08:30 – 15:45 CEST)

There are three tram stops near the conference venues
1 min away from the venues
trams no. 6,7
5 min away from the venues
trams no. 8,9,11,17,23
4 min away from the venues
trams no. 6,7
Tickets are available in ticket machines (can be found on every tram and bus – tickets will be coded on your payment card), kiosks and stores all around the city and even on the mobile phone. To check the route you can use the app called Jak dojadę (available in Polish and English)

Coffee Breaks and Lunches
All coffee breaks and lunch breaks will be available only in the BUILDING D of the University of Wrocław – Faculty of Law, Administration, and Economics (Uniwersytecka 7–10).
The cold and hot drinks will be served in takeaway cups, so the Participants can take them to other buildings for Panel Sessions.

Help Desk
Need help? We’ll be happy to answer your
questions and provide assistance during the
Conference. You can find us at the BUILDING D of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics (Uniwersytecka 7–10). Other info points will be located in BUILDING C and BUILDING R.

Emergency Contact
When human health or life is at risk, call the following rescue phone numbers:
Emergency number: 112
Ambulance: 999
Police: 112
Fire Service: 998
Municipal Guards: 986