July 4 @ 16:30 - 18:00 Wroclaw (CEST)
The Role of European Law in Addressing Global Challenges: Between De-politicization and Incrementalism
What is the role of law in reconnecting the citizens to the European Union? In times of populism and backlash against liberal democracy, non-majoritarian institutions and experts often emerge as a crucial point of contention. This panel explores two dynamics in which law can affect political and social change in the EU – de-politicization and incrementalism. First, law can serve as a type of expert field, removing decisions from the field of contentious political debates and putting it in the hands of non-majoritarian courts. Second, legislative and judicial procedures tend to embrace the logic of incremental change, basing its authority on already existing norms and presumed consensus around them. Are these techniques of de-politicization and incrementalism successful? The panel evaluates this question across a set of case studies.