July 4 @ 16:30 - 18:00 Wroclaw (CEST)
The Imperfection of Israel’s Constitution
Israel’s constitution is of highly complicated and controversial issue. Starting in November 1947, the Israeli Constitution is still work in progress. It includes many institutional arrangements and a substantial (yet partial) protection of human rights. It does not include, however, the basic ‘rules of the game’ in key—even formative—questions. Indeed, in order to conclude the constitutional project, at least in its thin version, the political branches must constitute the rules of the game, and specifically the procedure to enact and amend basic laws, entrenchment of constitutional judicial review, and the scope of the political prerogative to implement independent constitutional interpretation. Under this perspective, the panel will offer a broad perspective on Israel imperfect constitution. Composed of scholars from legal and political science disciplines, it will provide a look back and look ahead on the way to think of Israel’s constitution imperfection.