July 5 @ 11:30 - 13:00 Wroclaw (CEST)
Race, ethnicity, vulnerability and the Roma: Constitutional challenges under COVID19. A Hungarian perspective
Using the Roma in Hungary as a case study and example, the panel provides presents empirical research as well as a theoretical discussion on the constitutional implications of the interrelation of race, ethnicity, and vulnerability under the pandemic. One empirical research focuses on how the pandemic had changed the contours, morphology and substance of access to justice for members of vulnerable communities. Another on how COVID-19 affected the educational and labor market perspectives of Roma in the light of Constitutional Court practice on school segregation. Discussions will be framed by a larger research project (which all panelists are members of) on how constitutional law conceptualizes and operationalizes race, ethnicity and membership in national groups/communities, in particular in the field of medicine.