July 6 @ 21:45 - 23:15 CESTJuly 6 @ 19:45 - 21:15 UTCJuly 6 @ 15:45 - 17:15 New YorkJuly 6 @ 14:45 - 16:15 BogotáJuly 7 @ 03:45 - 05:15 SingaporeJuly 7 @ 05:45 - 07:15 Sydney
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New frontiers of abortion constitutionalism
In recent times several constitutional/supreme courts around the world have adopted groundbreaking abortion decisions. Some, like that in Colombia, have signaled progress in advancing towards the recognition of pregnant women´s reproductive autonomy whereas other, like that in Poland, have severely limited it. Still, in other jurisdictions, such as the US and Spain, important decisions are pending and are supposed to be delivered a few weeks/days before the conference meets. This panel offers the opportunity to those interested in abortion constitutionalism to learn about these most recent evolutions. The debates should address both the doctrinal elements shaping the expansion/restriction of women´s reproductive autonomy as well as the political processes inviting courts and the constitution to play such a preeminent role in the matter.