July 4 @ 18:30 - 20:00 Wroclaw (CEST)
International Criminal Law in the Digital Era
The aggression of Russia and Belarus on Ukraine in February 2022, and the ongoing international armed conflict despite being a downright classic breach of the peremptory norm, have shown in a new light the ineffectiveness of the international security system based on the action of the Security Council and the shortcomings in the provision of international justice for the victims of the most serious violations. With the violations of international law, a system of sanctions was activated and the International Criminal Court was called upon to open an investigation. The ongoing armed conflict has raised a number of questions about the effectiveness of international mechanisms, about the role and relevance of national justice systems, and has re-evaluated certain notions of refugee law. But above all, for the first time in European history, it has shown the role of social media and new technologies as tools of not only oppression but also support. This panel aims to present contemporary challenges to the international criminal justice system, in the face of the far-reaching mediatization of war and the availability of technological tools that can, if properly regulated, enhance measures in the interest of justice.