July 6 @ 10:00 - 11:30 Wroclaw (CEST)
Global Problems in a Latin-American Legal Context: Perspectives of Early-Career Scholars informed by Reason and Faith
As the world has encountered unprecedented circumstances of a global pandemic, forced migration due to unexpected wars, and the undermining of democratic processes and fundamental human rights, Latin America continues to provide a rich and complex stage on which to explore global problems and prospects in public law. Faith and reason can be central partners for an analysis of these global problems and their solutions under the law. How can we continue to have faith in our courts and institutions in the face of global crises? What unique role can reason play in shaping legal standards, legal notions, and norms that may increasingly seem unreasonable in times of crisis? And, can faith beyond legal institutions and reason informed by faith offer opportunities for re-thinking and renewing public law? This panel gathers JSD candidates and early career scholars from Notre Dame Law School in the United States to engage with these questions through a variety of paper topics.