July 4 @ 16:30 - 18:00 Wroclaw (CEST)
Cultural heritage law beyond (global, technical, and technological) frontiers
In a world increasingly affected by the widespread use of technology, cultural heritage and cultural activities studies need to be pushed towards unexplored frontiers. The panel will address some of these emerging issues, trying to understand how these new frontiers tackle both statutory and regulatory legal issues. This includes an investigation into some of the consequences of the growing use of NFTs in the art world from a public law perspective, as well as a reflection on the implementation of the Digital Single Market (at the EU level). Attention will be paid to its practical repercussions on the evolution of EU copyright law and to the realization of the single market with regard to copyrighted works such as audio-visual ones. Searching unexplored frontiers might also involve the use of preexisting instruments for new purposes: this is the case with indicators which, as regulatory tools, could be employed in the policy-making process of the cultural heritage sector.